Saturday, December 02, 2006

Boring + Dreaming ~~

Nothing to in the whole afternoon , although friends asking me to go SUNWAY LOST WORLD to play ~~ but cause tonite needa go for my grandmom golden wedding ceremony so if i play with them surely till midnight also canot go back hoouse i rejected them =S ~~ for the whole afternoon while listening music .....then started to happen DAY DREAM XD....haha ~~ kinda funny to think of it =) when a person thinking something ~~ should be so wonderful and marvelous =) but ~~ all of it jus DREAMING of it HAHA !! i started to get to know myself like to think tis and that like to DREAM alot woo hoo HAHA ~~ cause its reall fun when u can imagine how wonderful ure in ur dream hahah !! ~~~ whenever im free ~~ or sometimes the place is silent ~~ i'll started to think ......think backforawrd something happen from last time till now ~~ what i've did ~~ ~~ mistake ~~ and even some others thing really prove tat .....ppls will change day by day ~~~ till now .....after i think for it ....i really change alot ......from the past till now =) happiness and Sadness =) alot keke ...... but all edi past lor .......really happy for evryhing i've done ....even something happen to me make me so PAI SEH haha but its really a great experince XD ~~

now ~~ i've edi 18 ~~ thinking of my future can i achive the things i wan =) so doing tat step by setp ....... i can realize tat .....times really can turn everythings ..... know tat how reality tis world are when u step out to work ......all these ...i did get it ppls said "在这社会里,千万别锋茫太露;越显得有用的人就会被装没用的人利用;明争暗斗,是是非非;懂得保护自己,最后胜利的才是自己。" i also trust on tis ~~ cause ....its really true from the sentence from drama ......tis world are reality ......not even tis ....i also learn tat “人总是在伤害中才学会思考 " is it ? .....never get hurt from experince ....wont appreciate everythings ...... ~~ evry of tis ....i gain it from the past experince till now getting all these ...... i hope tat i wont mess up with all these ...... even ~~ i keep on thinking of the road i taking now .....i'll never turn back for what i've done ......jus remember something importand point ....and move forward ...... cause "无法真正知道自己要的是什么,抱着“走一步算一步”的心态,这样的个性,是无法成为一个有魅力的人的。人生总会遇到许多十字路口,又是彷徨,有时无措,但我们都要能提起勇气,选择一条属于自己的路。我们都在影响着别人,也同时被他人影响着,端看是什么样的影响。是好事坏,不能忘了原本的自己, 究竟是为了什么要改变。答案也只有自己知道。" so ~~ as the road are choose by my own i must know what im doing for evry step on the road ....... mistake a lesson of leraning ......experince it ..... =)

aihhh say so much of nonsense XD ~~~ but its really good to me ^^ ~~ there hv much more things i still need to learn ....specially i striking for my dream =) understand edi and aim nicely ~~ and shoot on the target ...... sometimes ~~~ fortune also believe in 10% of fortune and 90% of my own =) as all of these i gain .... time for me to use it properly ......

k le hv to stop ~_~ duno what to said on .....but jus ~~~ i tell myself ~~ i've find my way ~~ i'll go through of it !!! no matter how ....i must =) CHEER UP CHEER UP !! and never giv up =D

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